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Bright, Colourful and Fun-loving!
Friday, November 21, 2008 at 2:51 PM

Today we had MD in the morning.SYF all the way.haha.i think the dance is really nice.painful, but nice.haha.so let's skip till after it ended.WE COLOURED IN GEN AND NOELLE'S CLOURING BOOK!!!it's so pretty!!Don't you agree??bright, colourful and fun-loving.that's how we are:)if u look closely at the picture, you'll find many many small details which may be disturbing and disgusting but they're not done by me.mostly my monkey senior noelle plus crazy beryl and some is val.hahahhaa.I COLOURED THE TREE!!!but beryl ruined it by drawing red lightning on it.originally it was just purple with the hot pink acons(not really sure how you spell it)!!!!Once we were done colouring we went to the curry rice stall and talked about some very private, girl talk only things.shhh....it's a secret...

to the sleepless nights...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008 at 5:56 PM

Yes that is the song 'Check yes Juliet' by 'We The Kings'!!!!IT'S DAMN NICE!!!haha.

Today modern dance was crazy.THE NON-SYF GIRLS GET TO NOT COME FOR 2 PRACTICES!!!plus today they just came for like 1/2 hour of warm up then watch us get scolded by Ms Ong for 1 hour then go home.goodness they so slack.haha.in the begining Ms Ong got super pissed with us.she was like,'YOU FORGOT YOUR STEPS AND COUNTING JUST WITHIN 6 DAYS!!!YOU ALL DIDN'T CONCENTRATE DURING OUR LAST PRACTICE AH??!!'when she was the one who changed it all.goodness i got so pissed lah.but after we moved on she suddenly became super nice....and it was raining cats and dogs...haha.

during our break my friend admitted to us that she was secretly a guy and started burping the alphabets for us.goodness that was so freaky!!!haha.when we were changing i accidentally wacked Alicia with my pants(oops).haha.she told me it tasted salty.my thumb and my pants taste salty.how weird.haha.it was still raining when we left so we put our towels on our heads and walked in the rain looking like idiots.haha.i bet all the people in their nice dry cars on the road were staring at us.hahaha.

to the sleepless nights...

at 1:16 PM

I have lost the blogging spirit.
nevermind i will try my best to revive it:)

18/11/08 Tuesday

Us DFCers went to Clementi ITE to watch zainul perform.Before his performance there was one other dance crew with FREAKIN CUTE GUYS.there was this guy wearing the Efron shirt whom both amy and i agreeed was cute.Lava and Denise saw some others whom i thought could never match up to efron:):)HE'S SO FREAKIN CUTE!!!i felt like going up to him and taking a picture but nevermind.haha.Following theirs were a couple of bands who attempted to play MUSIC but ended up adding to NOISE POLLUTION.espacially the a7x posers.like please their insulting their music!!!poorpoor Sinister Gates.haha.Zainul's performance was cool!!!!near the ending one of the crew member's caps flew off his head and hit Pam.poor girl.if she wasn't sitting diagonally in front of me it would've hit me instead.PRAISE GOD FOR PAM.hahahaha.

After that we rushed to Plaza Sing to meet Sarah, Nat, Liza and her bro to watch Madagascar 2.THE ANIMALS ARE SO FREAKIN CUTE!!!!AHHHHH.haha.Laughed like crazy.after that we went to eat TachoYaki and they were all making fun of me eating.I CAN'T HELP IT IF I EAT UNGLAMLY!!!at least i'n not the worst(sarah):):)

ok i gtg for cca now and suffer more bruises that cause my legs to look distorted.BYE.

to the sleepless nights...

Thursday, November 13, 2008 at 11:38 PM

but nope.it's ryan ross.guitarist and lyricist of Panic At the Disco.IT'S SO SCARY...
I was thinking of a girl's name for him but since WanQi already calls him RyRy and that i can't find a suitable girl name, i decided that RyRy is girly enough.haha.

to the sleepless nights...

at 11:03 PM

Today at ballet steffi told me a very disturbing joke.

STEFFI:what would you say when you are about to jump off a very high building?


STEFFI:what would you be thinking while ur in mid air falling?

ME:my mind would go blank and i'd be screaming.

STEFFI:once you hit the ground, your still alive.what would you say?


STEFFI:(starts laughing)this scenario actually symbolises when you have sex.so this is what would happen.

what would you say just before you have sex?


STEFFI:what would you be thinking during the intercourse?

ME:my mind would go blank and i'd be screaming.

STEFFI:what would you say after it's all over?


i seriously doubt it'll actually happen.

to the sleepless nights...

When you have nothing better to do
Wednesday, November 12, 2008 at 8:32 AM

i think this blog is becoming like a place i go to when i have no where else to go.haha.ok let's see....i dun really have much to blog about for now.OHOH.I CAN SEE MY POSTS NOW!!i downloaded mozilla firefox just for this ok!but it's quite cool so i guess i'll use it for other stuff.haha.stupid skin dun work on internet explorer.GAH.haha.today we have DFC practice!!our performance is like this sunday so we're kinda chionging for time.lava's sick.poor thing.must pray that she gets well in time ok!?and today is my last day ballet-less.Ms lee's coming back today i guess so tmr our daily dance marathon starts!!!GAH.it can be so annoying sometimes.you barely have time to go out!no life lah.seriously.haha.I MISS SARAH!!!there's no one to call and talk to in the middle of the night anymore.well not middle of the night....but into the very late night.haha.our record is 3 HOURS.BEAT THAT.and if you do,tell me so we can beat you back:)

I wonder if Adriel's still gonna be gay this week.i shall test him.i still can't get the sight of him saying 'OHMYGOD' and 'TOODLES!' with one leg lifted up.*shudders*

OHOH.I'M GONNA BAKE COOKIES!!!yes i will bake cookies and give them to everyone since i have nothing better to do.but not today...maybe next week or something.i have decided to bake cookies for valentine's day too.plus i will add 'a note of love' with them!!i might decorate the cookies too.with small heart shapes or something.it'll be fun!!!haha.

to the sleepless nights...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008 at 1:34 PM

i am watching my dramas now but am dying of boredom at home.plus i have CHINESE TUTION later.i hate chinese!!!today's a killa day.i never realised ballet occupies my times so much.i guess it's a habit right now.GOODNESS.i have no life!!haha.my hair is in a mess now.hair spilling out from my french braid.lalalalalala.i am so bored...at least now i can blog about my boredom.lalalalala.sometimes dramas really annoy you.you wish that something is about to happen and it seems like it s but then ...UHOH...something else crops up and it's back to the begining!!!THAT is how you get addicted to them.you have to watch till the end to see what happens and when it does end you feel really sad so you watch another one and the cycle goes on and on and on....directors must be very cuuning, smart people.haha.ok i shall continue watching my very addictive dramas now.BYE!

to the sleepless nights...

at 11:52 AM

ok i haven't posted for the past few days so i will do all the catching up now.haha.

8/11/08 Saturday
The creation VS evolution talk was boring...for the first half i listened but after the brak my brain switched off.i guess it was tired from all the Bio facts which i porbably will be learning next year so yea..haha.
ADRIEL WAS ACTING ALL GAY!!OMG it scared me.i decided to play along with him.well actually i'll just be acting myself...haha.and Ezra....was Ezra....i will say nothing else:)

9/11/08 Sunday
Sunday was fun!!after service we all slacked in the Youth Lounge.we used chalk to draw on the black walls!!haha.we were like arguing whether to order subway delivery or just go there ourselves.in the end Liza, Eleanor, SamTan, ChinYi and i went to order.WE WERE LATE FOR THE PRAYER THINGY!!and it was all because of Leon.HE MADE US RUN!!i was panting like crazy by the time we reached the lounge.Then some ungrateful people just came in and demanded for their food.

well after the prayer thingy we went to IMM to wait with Alex for her parents.we just walked her walked there...i was very tempted to go play in the water playground but too bad i didn't have any extra clothing.haha.

when alex left we went to the Mah's house.i must say that i am very proud of myself.to save the face of someone i will not blog about it.see i'm so nice!some more Ben said i'm meaner than him.oh and we did some very private thing which i will also not blog about so that person won't find out:)

ok i'm kinda stoned now so i have no inspiration to write anything else...haha.

to the sleepless nights...

Early in the morning and i'm still kinda stoned
Saturday, November 8, 2008 at 8:13 AM

OMG.you know what i just realised?!on MY laptop, my posts are in the column with the tagboard and all!!!!which means i gotta scroll left right, up down to see them.WHAT'S WRONG WITH THIS STUPID THING!!!!oh well.AT LEAST i can see them now.haha.since i'm here, i shall blog about what i'm doing today.TODAY'S GONNA BE FUN!!well first i'm going to my auntie's house at 1130 because her son got engaged and their celebrating.she's not really my auntie.she's my daddy's cousin so i'm not so sure what she is to me but i just call her auntie.after the engagement i'm not sure what i'll do.i don't know what time it ends!!!but we'll see from there.whatever i do then i have to meet Liza and the rest at JE MRT at 4.we'll be like decorating cards though i've fprgotten what they're for...haha.anyway after that we all go to clemeti MRT at 530 and meet the rest who's going for the creation VS evolution thingy to eat dinner then the seminar or whatever starts at 700 ends at 1000.very long i know.haha.i hope it's fun!!well it should be anyway.

i'm like examing my bruises and floorburns right now.i just realised how horrible my legs look and the area around my floorburn is like red.HORRIBLE I TELL YOU.haha.

to the sleepless nights...

We dance till we Die
Friday, November 7, 2008 at 8:43 PM

Today was like a killa day.i danced from 930-700.CRAZY RIGHT?!!from 930-1200 we had rehearsal for next friday.we're performing for the primary school and i'm so sick and tired of the freakin dance cuz we've performed it 5 TIMES!!!!it is getting so boring.and you know the taekwondo in the primary school is the fakest of the fakest?!you know how their supposed to hit the wooden plank and it breaks?well guess what.they just take 2 seperate wooden planks, put them together and when they 'hit' them, just bring them apart again.SO FAKE.and that's not the worst.you know how they kick the wooden plank and it breaks?well they not only use 2 planks, they don't even TOUCH the planks and their partner just happily opens it for them.FAKEST OF THE FAKEST.goodness.haha.

Anyway after our 930-1200 rehearsal we had lunch break till 200.from 200-500 was SYF rehearsal.IT'S A KILLA.we tumble here, tumble there...i have like 4 bruises and 1 floorburn.OUCH.haha.even though it's painful it's really fun though.haha.

By the time ballet came, which was 530, i was CRASHED.since Ms Lee came like super late and even when she came she was outside most of the time i slacked like crazy.i couldn't dance properly!my body refused to go full-out.i felt like sitting on the floor and stoning.then there was WanQi and Steffi rambling on about how i have a lesbian face and blah blah blah.GOODNESS.

When i reached home my mum and sis were still at home.this is the extremely retarded convo we had:

ME:Shanea you know your shirt is inside out?


ME:IT IS!you see the label is outside?!it used to be my shirt so believe me!


ME:where is the pocket then??it's inside right??

(she looks for the pocket then realises i'm right, she grins at me)


(mummy rolls her eyes and tries not to laugh)

After a while when they were about to leave she still hadn't changed it the right way.

MUMMY:Are you gonna change it or not?you keep saying your right.keep arguing with people.insist that your correct.janeen next time don't tell her lah.let her embarrass herself in public.

(both of us hide our face and laugh)


THAT is how retarded our conversations can get.GOODNESS.haha.

to the sleepless nights...

at 1:19 AM

I asked Liza, she said she can see them.BUT I CAN'T!!!!
I like this skin....I have decided to keep it.at least other ppl can see...unless some can't then i'll change it.but if it's only me then i'll keep it.

to the sleepless nights...

First post, hopefully not the last
at 12:34 AM

Last night Meredith asked me to get a blog.i had one.but haven't updated it since like a year ago.more than that.so i got a new one.MEREDITH I HOPE YOUR HAPPY THAT I'LL BE YOUR ENTERTAINMENT WHEN YOUR BORED!!!

So anyway today was dancedancedance all the way.had DFC at 230 and since Zainul wasn't there we didn't do much.except for practicing a couple of times, fooling with nonsensical steps, phsyco dancing, stoning to music....In the end we left early for dinner at JE.Chinyi and i ate TAKOPACHI!!!!Lava ate the sinful Ramlee burger and Pam and Denise ate their fish stick thingy which i find disgusting.ohoh.i drank a STRAWBERRY ITALIAN SODA.It's super refreshing.the fizz from the sprite is a real booster.GETS YOU HIGH!!!

After that i went to ballet.You know how stoned i was in the MRT?!!STANDING from JURONG EAST to BEDOK.sometimes i amaze myself.haha.When i reached i bought another bun.i felt so greedy but for some reason my stomach's grumbling now.goodness i'm eating too much.

Ballet was fun.as usual.WanQi being her usual crazy weird self, Sarah being her exceptionally weird self and Tiffany trying too hard to use slangs as we all know that RGS girls are naturally intellectually-speaking.Sarah made me lie to WanQi that Sinister something is a lot better than Zachy something cuz he's cooler and the lead guitarist even though i have no idea who they are or what they looked like.WanQi knew right away i was lying.i guess i'm not very good at it.except to my rents.shhh....

After ballet went home, showered and here i am now just creating my awesome blog and blogging.I have decided to be a dedicated blogger for at least the rest of the hols and blogblogblog.ok.i'm done for the night.unless i have some sudden inspiration but we'll see then.

to the sleepless nights...